1932 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDRUS BACCALAUREATE SERVICES The Baccalaureate Services for the class of 1931 of C. C. were held in the First Presbyterian Church, Sabbath evening, May 31. The music for the event was under the direction of Miss Berkley of the de- partment of music. There were special numbers by the College Women's Glee Club and by Miss Ruth Ingle, director of the Covenant Presbyterian Choir of Springfield, Ohio. The invocation was pronounced by Rev. C. A. Hutchison, pastor of the Methodist Church, Dr. W. P. Harriman, pastor First Presbyterian church read the scripture lesson of the evening, and prayer was offered by Dr. R. A. Jamieson, pas- tor of the United Presbyterian Church. The sermon was given by the Rev. H. C. Hut_hison, pastor of Hoge Pres- byterian Church, of Columbus, Ohio. His theme was, "Elements of Success and Happiness." The speaker urged upon his hearers that the elements of success are rooted in things eternal and that to gain real success one must put first things first. The general verdict was that the discourse was helpful and worthwhile. The benediction was pronounced by Dr. W. R. McChesney, president of the college, and the first event of commencement week passed into history. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement Commencement, that time to which a student looks forward with great desire and sees pass with deep regret, came for the Class of 1931, Friday, June 5, 1931, in the Opera House, Cedarville, Ohio, at 9:30 a. m. The processional march from Carnegie Library ended to the strains of a stirring march as the class, trustees, faculty, and invited guests took their places on the stage. Rev. Thomas R. Turner, D. D., Class of '99, and pastor of the Pres- byterian Church of Quincy, Massachusetts, offered the opening prayer. This was followed by the address of the day by Rev. William L. McEwan, D. D., LL. D., pas- tor of the Third Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, president of the board of trustees of Princeton University, and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A., General Assembly. This final address for those about to say good-bye to old C. C. halls was full to the brim of rich suggestions for the meeting of the problems of life. Following the address, Dr. W. R. McChesney gave his farewell address and conferred the degrees earned by the various candidates, as follows: Bachelor of Arts, Edith Foster and Virgil Hughes. Bachelor of Arts with the state provisional high school certificate, Walter Boyer, Wendell Boyer, Bernice Bryant, Mildred Carle, Robert Collins, Wilma Curry, Carmen Frazier, Joseph Foster, Vernon Hickman, Helen Powers, Sarah Rumbaugh, James Stormont, Irene Tobias, Alfred Townsley, Albert Turner, Brenton Turner. Bachelor of Science in Education with the state provisional high school cer- tificate, Ora Hanna and Christine Rife. Two-year normal diploma and four-year provisional elementary certificate, Mary Andrus, Marjorie Cotton, Marion Rife, Marian Roseberry, Ruth Sprinkle and Lucile Stroup. • Diploma of Graduation in Piano, Mrs. H. H.Brown. Honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity, Rev. William H. Kendall, pastor of the Memorial Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, and Rev. Ernest McClellan, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y., Class of '09. The closing prayer was by Chaplain G. LaClede Markle, U. S. Navy, class of '25, and thus ends the account of the last event of Commencement Week. C. W. S. Sixty-four