1933 Cedrus Yearbook

DR. EDWARD P. EIGENSCHENCK Page Twenty-three Forty-three members were enrolled and the meetings were unusually well attended. Not only the enrolled members, but many guests enjoyed the instructive programs, including a mock trial, readings, music, debates, and playlets. Among the guest entertainers during the year were Ruth Marshall, pianist, and Raymond Chenoweth, accordionist, each of whom furnished an evening's entertainment. Also members of Prof. Steele's class in argumentation debated the question, "Resolved, that the Federal Government should grant old age pensions." The society affords the students the opportunity of 'develop- ing their literary, elocutional, and musical talents. Officers are elected each semester. For the first term, Joseph Free was elected president; John Murray, vice-president; Beatrice Pyles, secretary; Carl Furgeson, treasurer; Walter Kilpatrick, chaplain; and Art Donaldson,sergeant-at-arms. Homer Murray was chosen president for the second half-year, with Jane West, vice-president; Lois Cultice, secretary; Art Don- aldson, treasurer; Walter Linton, chaplain; and Franklin Trubee, sergeant-at-arms.