1933 Cedrus Yearbook
*•-N, 10\1. Page Twenty-eeven CLYDE HUTCHISON Cedarville, Ohio Wittenberg Summer School 2; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 2, 4; Mixed Chor- us 4; Minstrel 2: Quartet 1, 2, 4: Literary President 2; Debate 4; Bible Reading Contest 1, 2, 4; Lab. Assistant 2, 4; Cedar Day Orator 4; Class Play 4; Cedrus Play 4; Cedrus Editor 4. EDWARD IRONS Wellston, Ohio Post Graduate. LEO REED Clifton, Ohio Post Graduate. CHARLES BOST Springfield, Ohio Student Body Officer 4; Class Of- ficer 3; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 4; Crown Club 3; Minstrel 3; Basket- ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4; Lab. Assistant 3; Class Play 4; Cedrus Play 4; Cedrus Staff 3, 4. CHARLES SPENCER Springfield, Ohio Y.M.C.A. Cabinet 3; Minstrel 3; Band 1; Basketball 1, 2. 3, 4; Base- ball 3. 4; Class Play 4; Cedrus Play 3; Cedrus Staff 3. 4. HERMAN SCOTT Xenia, Ohio Band 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3; Class Play 4. PRESTON GARLOUGH Springfield, Ohio Student Body Officer 3; Class Of- ficer 2, President 3; Y.31, C.A. Cabinet 3, President 4; Mixed Chor- us 4; Minstrel 1, 3; Quartet 2, 3. 4; Literary 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 4; Cedrus Play 4; Cedrus Staff 4. EDGAR BRIGNER Cedarville, Ohio Y.M.C.A. Cabinet 3; Mixed Chorus 4; Minstrel 1, 3; Band 1, 2; Literary 1, 2. 3, 4; Class Play 4. earth by the very thing which can make it a more worth while place in which to live. At present, science is being usefully and profitably applied in many fields. It is serving as a basis for prac- tically every industry and profession. It is found to be in complete harmony with all things including not only industry, business, agriculture, and the professions, but also religion. Probably one of the most important ap- plications is in education where scientific methods of teaching are procuring results far beyond the ineffici- ent methods of past years. A great contribution of science is the establish- ment of the scientific method of thinking which bases all decisionson experimental evidence and observed facts, and gives no place to superstition, opinions, and prejudice. With scientific thinking there is a desire for truth in all matters. • The fact that this is a scientific age well under way, makes necessary the education of every individ- ual to appreciate science and to have a general under- standing of natural phenomena, as well as the highly specialized training of individuals for each branch of science. -Charles Spencer. In Cedarville College, science and mathematics are taught in such a way as to make for their apprecia- tion. For those who intend to specialize in these sub- jects there is also the opportunity to get the detailed knowledge that is necessary for specialization. For the future we predict that a greater interest will be shown in the science department of Cedarville
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