1933 Cedrus Yearbook
JOHN W. AULT Director of Physical Education; Profes- sor of Mathematics and Physics; B. S. Bowling Green State College. College,for the experience and personality of the professors and their ideal of practical science will appeal to increas- ing numbers of students. Mr.Kuehrmann Mr. Kuehrmann, who is professor of our chemistry de- partment, is liberal in his views concerning science. He makes the following statements about his own aims for teaching chemistry: "The ideal before us in the teaching of college science is to adapt the instruction to the best interests of the stu- dent. The general aim may be said to include an effort to make men and women intellectually responsive in ways that are characteristically scientific. We wish to train in- tellects and to develop in the individual an abiding desire for the truth in all matters. Our science work is emphasized with due regard for the other aspects of student life which together make for a well balanced individual ex- perience." Mr.Hostetler Again in the biology department we find subjects being taught in a practical way. Professor Hostetler says that the tendency in science today is to get away from the philo- sophical side, and to get atthings first hand. His instructions exemplify this new methotd, for the biology lab contains many specimens of the things being studied. Many trips are made into the field, so that students not only collect specimens with which they will work, but also observe them in their natural en- vironment.Biology comes close to one's every- day life and it holds many possibilities for enriching life and making it more thoroughly understood. Professor Hostetler thinks that although the practical work is most useful, yet some place should be given to theory. Mr.Ault Our professor of mathematics is J. W. Ault. In keeping with modern mathematics methods, Professor Ault teaches the things which can be used in different branches of science and that can be applied in a practical way in everyday life. He departs for the old method of memorizing facts and stresses instead a logical method of thinking. He believes that in mathematics the main thing to learn is to organize material, and then SCIENCE BUILDING Page twenty-eight
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