1933 Cedrus Yearbook
Hostetler's and Dr. McChesney's departments. Her work the first semester included the teaching of Class Room Management; dur- ing the second semester she has had no regular instructorships, but has assisted in logic and Greek whenever Dr. McChesney has been absent. Miss Waddle's scholastic record in Cedarville College was very exceptional, and she has proved herself just as excellent an instructor as she was student. Y.M.C.A.and Y.W.C.A. So similar are the Y. M.and Y.W.C. A.in organization, char- acter, and activity, that they can well be considered in one article. It is difficult, in the brief course of a few hundred words to review all of the many events and activities that have transpired in "Y" circles this pastschool year, Most of these events are covered else- where in this publication, and hence these lines will deal more with the general nature an organization of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. DORIS SWABY Cedarville, Ohio Miami University 3; Class Officer 2; Glee Club 1; Band 1, 2; Mock Wedding Groom 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Cedar Day Queen 4; Class Play 4; Cedrus Play 2; Cedrus Staff 2. Both these organizations are, of course, affiliated, with the state-wide organization of the same name. Every year both groups send a specific financial contribution to the state offices and in return, secure the blessings of the wider contacts thus afforded. At Cedarville all students are identified with the Y. M.if they be men or the Y. W.if they be women. All meetings are attended by the students, the regular meetings being on Wednesday morning of each week, supplanting the usual "chapel" for that day. Primarily religious in nature, these meetings invariably include sacred singing, scrip- ture reading and prayer. Announcements made, a program usually follows. Great is the variety of such programs,for they vary in length from a few to a full thirty-five or forty minutes. Similarly, their nature is never twice the same. Frequently outside speakers are arranged for and usually this means a joint "session," both men and women meeting as a combined audience. The local pastors of Cedarville Churches generally bring us messages of thought and inspir- action. Likewise, the past year's programs included Rev. Simester of Trinity Methodist Church in Xenia', Mrs. White, editor of t he Women's Missionary Journal, Mrs. Ruth Hess, a member of Cincinnati's visiting teachers' staff, the Wil- berforce Male Quartette, Rev. French of Clifton, besides members of our own faculty and others yet to serve beyond the time of this writing. Our own talent is utilized, especial- ly upon programs celebrating various holidays. The control of each of these groups is vested in a cabi- net. This year the Y. W.cabinet included Viola Harbaugh, president; Doris Hartman, vice-pres. and program chair- man; Glenna Basore, secretary and treasurer; Jane West, hostess; Eleanor Bull, social chairman; Mary Catherine Probasco, membership chairman; Lois Cultice, financial chairman; Nina Stevenson, social servicechairman; Mary Eleanor Ford, world affairs chairman; Carolyn Brill, pub- Dr. HAROLD E. RAY Professor of Anatomy and Hygiene Page Thirty-four
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