1933 Cedrus Yearbook
Y. M. C. A. First row: Richards, Nelson, Hargrave, R. Ross, Buehler, Cash, H. Murray, Miller, James, Christian. Ferguson Second row: Fox, Scott, Prof. Hostetler, Mills, Free, Bost, Harriman, P. Garlough, Prof. Steele, Donaldson, Hutchison; third row: McLaughlin, Trubee, Ensign, Tindall, Kitchen, McCallister, McKnight, Meyers, L. Ross, Finney, Chamberlain, Glass, Rife, Kenfield, E. Spencer, McHenry, R. Murray, McNamee, J. Murray, Prof. Kuehrmann, Ferryman, Taylor, Brigner; Fourth row: Thomas, Reid, Linton, Cappola, Thompson, Moorman, Kilpatrick, C. Spencer, V. Garlough, licity chairman; and Miss Angevine, faculty adisvor. Officers recently elected for the coming year are Jane West, president; Doris Hartman, vice president; and Carolyn Brill, secretary-treasurer. The Y. M. C. A. cabinet included Preston Garlough, president; Clyde Hutchison, vice president; Joseph Free, program chairman; Charles Bost, assistant program chairman; Robert Harriman,secretary; Arthur Donaldson, treasurer; John Mills, social chairman; and Prof. Kuhermann and Steele, faculty advisors. The new cabinet consists of Walter Kilpatrick, president; Homer Murray, vice president; Arthur Donaldson, program chair- man; Carl Ferguson, assistant program chairman; Wm. Reid, secretary-treasurer; Stew- art Kitchen, social chairman; A Cappola, publicity chairman;and Profs.Steele and Ault, faculty advisors. CommittalService of the Y.W.C.A. FRANK OWENS Page Thirty-five The Y. W.C. A. held its annual committal service in the Pres- byterian Church during the Thanksgiving season. The girls, dressed in white, entered the church singing "God is Our Refuge and Our Strength." The church, dimly lighted and beautifully decorated. with ferns and flowers, furnished a very impressive setting for the program. The president, Viola Harbaugh, presided over this service, and opened it with these beautiful lines — "Hope giveth unto us Another year. Adventure is To.follow the climbing Good, By thorn and beast withstood, To heights of brotherhood Through dim to clear. God giveth unto us Another year, All luminous With Him,our shining source, Divine redeeming force, Of life's bewildered course Still charioteer."
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