1933 Cedrus Yearbook

"X" CLUB First row: Moorman, James, McNamee, Thomas, Nelson: Second row: McHenry, Ford, Bradley, Probasco, Watkins, Lung- ford, McCallister. contests is due to the cheer-leaders, Mary "Pat" Crawford and Edward "Ted" Tedrick, who were responsible for the "organized enthusiasm." The student body, led by these peppy young people,showed more real school spirit than has graced Cedarville College for many years. Homecoming Banquet One of the most successful Home-coming Banquets in the history of the college was held in the Alford Memorial Gymnasium, on the evening of February 9, 1933. Eighteen classes were represented, and a host of alumni, students, and other friends of the college were in attendance. After the dinner served by the Ladies' A dvisory Board, President McChesney gave the welcome address. The college Mixed Ch orus and the Girls' Quartette entertained with several groups of song. After the brief program was finished, the floor was cleared for action, and the annual Homecoming basketball game was played with Urbana University furnishing the opposi- tion. The game was fast and furious, and a last-minute rally gave Cedarville a well- earned victory, bringing the Homecoming toan entirely successful close. Y. M.and Y. W.Get-Together The Get-Together held in the gym,September 15, started off with a bang. Everyone, upon entering the door, was given paper and pencil. Each was to see how many auto- graphs he could obtain in a limited time. This get-acquainted stunt soon made the new students feel at home. The old gym rang with laughter as relay races,stunts, and various games followed. Girls were given the names of songs which they were to sing until the boy with the same song found her, thus uniting the partners for refreshments. A delicious lunch of fruit punch, apples, doughnuts,and candy was served. Page Forty-sex