1934 Cedrus Yearbook

3 SOPHOMORE HISTORY Errol Macknight, President; Charles Chamberlain, Vice-president; Wilma Chenoweth, Sec'y-Treas. As the end of our second year at Cedarville College draws to a close, we look back to see what we have done and what has been done to us. We began our Freshman year with thirty-seven students. We went through all of the necessary initiation features as well as could be expected. As the year progressed we became more used to the routine of college work, doing our best in all we attempted. At the opening of our Sophomore year we found but twenty-five of our original class returning. We have continued through this year to take an active part in all college activities. At the end of this year we shall lose some more students, some finishing the two year normal work, while others advancing to the Senior class through summer school work. First Row: Wham, Coulter, J. McCallister, Henry, Macknight, O. Brill, Hostetler, Labig, D. Corry. Second Row: Dean, Crager, Hine, L. Robe, Chenoweth, Bradley, M. McLaughlin, Burkert, Cappola, R. Murray. Third Row: Thompson, W. Linton, Meyers, Thomas, Buehler, Reed, Ensign. mosnommutiminonsNIT 111.1111••11 •11111•1•11•1•11•111•111111111111111•1111111MINUMIIMININ• • 1111111.•••••Wommomimmum• immillaill.uasanmom • INN 11•11•2r71•1=111111•11111111•111111MIN =NIMON11•1•1•11111111011111•1•11111111111•11•//41111211 OM 111111111•11111111MMIN MINMan11111•11=1•11•11110NMI111•111•1111111111111011M111 INMAN=MU MUM1111111•111•R, MI= 111111 III▪ IIIMISMINIIIIIIMMINSIMR11111/11•1111 MIR 11=1181111•811=1•Elli 1•1111•111111•••••••• NMI 3111111111P7,.. r MIMIISM 11111111111111111111 • Page Twenty-six