1934 Cedrus Yearbook
MOM On 1•11nnommmiminifi=Mannnom moll••••••nom.milsum=woe Nom=Wm=ampsmommialm mmoamonimaamoralleamilriNill 001.1e, -----— nnomin momEmsoweno.••••••=mmasnainimamon• mat=won10“•••••miniMOMIEN•Mimilamamilmene.N. .111.h. IIIMMI1•••=111111•••••••••••=MINIMMom ••••MOM MM.MIIIIIIIIMIIIMO.11.11.M.ME• 1•1111•11MIEWINIMIPNNW ••••••••••=4111111111•MIMMIIIIIIIPINIMMIll MINIIIIIIMIIINIONIMMOD MI 11•1 11.1•1111 MI First Row: Work, Bennett, Collett, 0. Brill, Fisher, E. Bull, Hoke, C. Brill, M. McLaughlin, Ritenour, J. West, G. Ackerman, Brock,Bradley, Skinnell, Lunsford, Cross, D. Hartman. Second Row: Dean, Beard, Wat- kins, Creswell, Heintz, Wham, Basore, E. Robe, Anderson, L. Robe, Chenoweth, Miller, E. Waddle, Henry, J. McCallister, Hine, Smith, Labig, Hostetler. Third Row: May, Laybourne, Pyles, Berk, D. Corry, Kimble, Fos- ter, Mount, Stevenson, Coulter, Crager, Cultice. Y. W.C. A. The Young Women's Christian Association is the one group on the campus in which every girl is interested, with all its activities built around the needs of its members. This year almost every girl was a member of the Y. W. and the spirit of fellowship and cooperation which was man- ifested warmed the hearts and spirits of those responsible for the welfare of the organization. When we leave Cedarville College we may forget many things which we have learned, but we will always treasure memories of Y. W. meetings and parties. The meetings were varied and each seemed to meet some need or desire of each person. The three phases of life to be developed, the physical, the mental, and the moral, were stressed in various ways. From the Welcome Tea and the Committal service to the Mother-Daughter Banquet, we have enjoyed every minute of fellowship together. First Row: Cultice, Social Chairman; C. Brill, Secretary-Treasurer; J. West, President; D. Hartman, Vice-president; Basore, Program Chairman; Mrs. Work, Adviser. Second Row: Smith, Social Service; Stevenson, Hostess; Hostetler, Publicity; Mount, Financial Chairman; L. Robe, World Fellowship; E. Bull, Membership Chairman. Y. W. PRESIDENTS OF THE PAST 1910—J. Orr 191I—F. Williamson 1916—D. Collins 1918—J. McClellan 1920—E. Tarbox I922—A. Daines 1923—F. Smith 1924—W. Stuckey 1925—P. Collins 1926—J. Thompson I927—M. Dean I928—M. Webster I929—J. Auld 1930—F. McChesney 193I—C. Frazier I932—M. Waddle I933—V. Harbaugh 1934—J. West Page Thirty-five
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