1934 Cedrus Yearbook

First Row: Pyles, L. Robe, J. West, Dean Steele. Second Row: Trubee, J. West, Harriman, Kilpatrick, Fergucon, Burkert. DEBATE QUESTIONS OF THE PAST I927—Direct Primaries I932—Recognition of Russia, and Women in Industry I933—National Regulation of Banking I934—Powers of the President Page Forty DEBATE When the call for debaters was sounded this year, two of the old guard returned, bringing with them seven others —a total of nine who aspired to uphold in verbal combat the honor of old C.C. The question selected for study this year was "Resolved, That the powers of the President be substantially increased as a settled policy (Powers as of March 4, 1933)". After several weeks of intense reading and research, the squad was divided into three teams, con- sisting of Kilpatrick, Trubee, Joe West as "yes men" and Robe, Pyles, Jane West, Ferguson, Harriman and Burkert as the two negative teams. On the 23d of February the teams under the management of Dean Steele journeyed forth to meet the enemy at Manchester third annual College In- vitational Debate Conference. "Veni, Vidi, Vici" in the passive voice tells the story in nine out of ten cases, the lone victory being that of the affirmative team over Goshen. However, the new members felt that they had learned what it was all about, as the girls' negative readily showed when they defeated Rio Grande in the last debate of the season at Cedarville. The affirmative team engaged in debates with Morehead, Wilberforce and Rio Grande. Thus the curtain rang down on debate at Cedarville for '34, but with six experienced debaters returning next year, prospects are bright for C. C.'s return to the sensational win records of recent years.