1934 Cedrus Yearbook

First Row: Smith, J. West, Hostetler, Coulter. Second Row: Macknight, Donaldson, J. Murray. WHISPERING CEDARS One of the newest organizations is the staff which edits and prints our bi-weekly paper, The Whispering Cedars.'' The staff chosen by the student body has proved its worth by giving to the students a paper chuck-full of news and happenings about campus life, as seen by the school paper editress, Carma Hostetler, and her assistants, Jock Murray, business manager; Regina Smith, sports editress; Art Donaldson, features editor; Bill Macknight, sports editor; Jane West, Eleanor Coulter, and Helen Baker, typists. WOMEN'S ADVISORY BOARD The college owes a great deal to the untiring efforts of the members of the Women's Advisory Board, who have furnished the means whereby many needed improvements have been made in our college. At the annual Homecoming Banquet, the Women's Advisory Board provided a bounteous meal, and during the year the Board has served banquets for other organizations. These faithful women work for no selfish interest but spend their profits for worthy purposes. Their latest contribution to the college is the redecorating of the office. First Row: Clemens, Huff, Stormont, McChesney, Oglesbee, Elias, Hartman. Second Row: Richards, Dobbins, McMillan, Townsley, Johnson, Hostetler, Kuehrmann, Steele, Auld, Wright. Page Forty-two