1934 Cedrus Yearbook

ATHLETIC DIRECTORS OF THE PAST I896-1902—J. Scarff 1911—J. Markley 1921—J. H. Blackburn I922—C. P. Warner I923—J. A. Talcott I924-1925—E. F. Deidrich I926—A. M. Tuttle I927-1932—R. M. Borst 1932-1934—J. W. Ault FOOTBALL CAPTAINS OF THE PAST I902—E. Shaw I922—W. Riddle I923—Currie 1924—W. Taylor 1925—Stoltz 1926—Stoltz i927—P. Brown I928—W. Nagley I929—R. Jacobs 193I—J. Stormont I932—E. Irons I933—P. Garlough A WORD FROM COACH AULT Cedarville College entered the Northwest Ohio Conference at the beginning of the col- legiate athletic season of 1933. The scope of the conference includes basketball, baseball and track. Cedarville College does not sponsor a track team but competes in basketball and baseball. During the season of 1932-33 the college sponsored teams which participated in seven football games, eighteen basketball games and nine baseball games. In the season of 1933-34 the teams played fifteen basketball games and eight baseball games. Cedarville College teams are forced to participate against teams drawn from much larger student bodies. In spite of this handicap they are able to win their share of the games. Athletics is not an end in itself but is only of value in so far as it can contribute to the physical fitness, sportsmanship and character of the athlete. Athletic teams are sometimes looked upon solely as an advertising medium of the school, and the student who participates under these conditions is very apt to think he is rendering the college a service. Ball games and ball teams are a means of advertising a school, but they should never be tolerated for that reason alone. The physical and moral benefit of the student is all the justification any athletic program needs. Page Fifty-four