1934 Cedrus Yearbook
Y. W. COMMITTAL SERVICE A dimly-lighted church, decorated with flowers and ferns, served as a fitting background for the impressive committal service of the Y.W.C.A., given each year in memory of Frances McChesney, the author. It is a dedication service, and this year forty-four girls pledged themselves to Christian ideals, accepting the blue triangle with its three-fold life. Jane West, president of the organization this year, led the consecration which closed with a beautiful candlelight recessional, the girls singing "Follow the Gleam." The candles ,the girls carried are symbolical of the light the Y. W. would have them carry out into the world as they leave the college halls. METHODIST RECEPTION The Epworth League Reception for the college students was held the night of Septem- ber 19th in the form of a miniature of the Century of Progress Exhibition. Features were an information bureau, Mills' Odditorium, a broadcasting studio, weight guessing, motion pic- tures of the grounds, Elsie Post's facial treatments, Frances Hutchison's State Building, the Sky Ride, Jane Frame's Transportation Building, and a pageant, "Wings of a Century." After the "tourists" had inspected the grounds, the reception was concluded with a regular "World's Fair" luncheon. Y. HALLOWE'EN When "Bossy", feeling the spirit of the time, took her annual flight to the gym, the air was so full of the spirit that it is said "whole buildings walked", and the time for the college Hallowe'en party had come. Siamese Twins, Japs, Mexicans, hoboes, clowns and "ye ladies of olden times" were among the guests. Potee and Spencer came in one pair of trousers; Dorothy Anderson came as a witch, puzzling many with her No.9 shoes and rolled socks; Doris Hartman and Jane West came as "my ladee fair" and her "gallante". These were adjudged the prize-winners. Contests and a true Hallowe'en lunch made the evening a pleasant one. The party this year was conducted by the Y.M.C.A. President McChesney's Home, Xenia Avenue, Cedarville Page F;ity-nine
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