1934 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDARVILLE GROUSE'S GROCERY STORE Fruit — Meat -- Vegetables With our compliments to the 1934 Cedrus" PHONE-40 OHIO Oct. 3. Big feed at the Gun Club in honor of the Freshmen. Snaky snake dance. Oct. 4. Joe Waddle ''hides out. No ride for Joe. Oct. 5. What happened to the student council? Oct. 6. Red has his nose cleaned out. Oct. 7. New York Giants win the World Series. So does Buehler! Oct. 9. Frosh feed. Harris beats Waddle. Oct. 12. Y.W.C.A. Committal Services. Oct. 25. Kid party at Steele's. Suckers 'n everything! Oct. 26. Kenfield shoots his eyes around the room. Oct. 30. Literary Meeting. Kenfield's car on college steps! Hartman's cow in gym. JEAN PATTON FORD SALES AND SERVICE Phone-213 F13 Cedarville HARDWARE A. E. HUEY TIN SHOP ROOFING AND REPAIR WORK Cedarville Phone 2-128 Ohio C. E. MASTERS GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET Phone 44 CEDARVILLE Page Sixty-nine