1935 Cedrus Yearbook

PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Boys Physical Education class this year was composed of 31 members, who met from 3:45 until 4:30 every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. A program of calisthenics, tumbling, soccer, volley-ball, basketball, and soft-ball was carried out. Often throughout the year many different exercises in calisthenics and tumbling were used to get muscles loosened up and also to help build stronger muscles through- out the body. Last fall much of the time was spent in playing soccer. Most of the games were played among ourselves by choosing up sides. All the boys took a great in- terest in this sport and the many games of our own were enjoyed very much. Late in the fall we scheduled a game with the physical education class of Antioch, and after a hard fought game, Antioch won by a small margin. This game was so suc- cessful that two weeks later we had a game against the Antioch faculty, and another hard battle ended in a tie. We do not hear a great deal about soccer in this section of the country, but nevertheless it proved very successful as a part of our program. In early winter and also rainy days during the fall the period was spent playing volleyball. Each day the class was divided into four groups, and after playing three games a different championship team was crowned each week. A team, composed of J. Richards, C. Chamberlain, W. Linton, R. Taylor, J. Waddle, H. Wallace, and Coach Ault, played several games against the students and faculty of the high school and were usually successful in bringing home the bacon. During the winter the class spent most of the time playing basketball, part of the time choosing up sides and playing each other, and the rest of the time playing against the varsity. • In the Spring we played soft-ball and also helped get the baseball diamond in shape and keep it that way. Throughout the year the physical education class has had a very varied program and also one that has been helpful and interesting to everyone. Page forty-five