1935 Cedrus Yearbook

Mrs. H. B. Vanderpool Secretary to the President "THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR" The Senior Class play, "The Thirteenth Chair," was presented Thursday, May 31, 1934, in the Opera House. The play proved to be a real thriller with seances, mur- dcrs, and knives dropping from the celing, but finally the murderer confessed. THE CAST: Helen O'Neill Jane West Will Crosby Lloyal Ross Mrs. Crosby Margaret Berk Roscoe Crosby Robert Ross Edward Wales Paul McLaughlin Mary Eastwood Nina Stevenson Helen Trent Lois Cultice Braddish Trent John Murray Grace Standish Virginia Watkins Howard Standish Kenneth Ferryman Philip Mason Joseph Hargrave Elizabeth Erskine Beatrice Pyles Pollock Homer Murray Rosalie La Grange Doris Hartman Tim Donahue Walter Kilpatrick Sergeant Dunn John Mills Doolan George Kenfield Music was furnished by the 0. S. and S. 0. Home Band, Mrs. Work, Eleanor Bull, and Dorotha Corry. JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET The Juniors of '34 entertained seventy-five sdniors, faculty and guests at the Calana Inn, Lawrenceville, Ohio, on the evening of May 10. After the banquet a round of golf was enjoyed by all the guests. The tables were dec- orated with small golf clubs, and golf tees served as mint cups. Robert Harriman presided as toastmaster, and the round began. The welcome was given by Carl Ferguson, and Robert Ross responded in behalf of the Senior Class. Maxine Bennett started the round with "The First Drive," Paul Rife then continued the "Middle Course," and Ralph Tindall concluded with "Driving Toward the Setting Sun." Dr. McChesney closed the program with some very appropriate remarks. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Amidst the howls and shrieks of goblins and ghosts there assembled a serene group of sedate Cedarville College would-be students. This entertainment was sponsored by the Y. W.C. A. The gym was decorated in orange and black crepe paper. Lights were dimly lit and phantom shapes roamed throughout the room. The grand procession was for choosing those who were dressed in the best fashion to carry out the Hallowe'en idea. The first prize was ta':en by Gene Reed. He was cleverly dressed as a colored sheik. Lois Cultice took second honors by parading in a foreign costume. The fair Spanish senorita was beautiful to behold. Last but not least was John Richards and his idiosyncrasies. John, with her feminine ways, charmingly graced the arm of her dear hus- band, Kathleen Miller. They brought their dear loved ones, Christina Jones and Bill Waddle, twins, and what a cunning picture they were! Dr. Mac delved into the past and vividly quickened our imagination by grotesque hor- rors of the powers to be. Refreshments proved to be quite refreshing. The party sang "Adieu, Kind Friend, Adieu" and left for their respective homes. Page fifty-eight