1935 Cedrus Yearbook

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE CROWN CLUB This club was organized several years ago for the purpose of honoring those in high scho- lastic standing. The number therein has grown steadily as the years have passed, showing that the students of Cedarville Co'lege are desirous of ranking high in their studies. We want to welcome these new members into our ranks as a result of the commencement of 1934— Glenna Basore Beatrice Pyles Margaret Berk John Murray Josephine Orr Hill Nina Stevenson Carma Hostetler Ralph Tindall Paul McLaughlin Jane West Y. W.WELCOME TEA At the annual Welcome Tea sponsored by the Y. W.C. A. at the home of the president, Carma Hostetler, on September 6th, the girls renewed old acquaintances and formed new friendships. Although many of the freshman g iris had left friends and relatives at home, they learned many new faces and names of those w!-Ion :hey would associate with while at college. As the guests sipped their tea, a lovely program was enjoyed. A beautiful piano number was played by Dorotha Corry. Anna Jane Wham sang sweetly "An Old Violin." Miss Ba- sore entertained the group with two readings, first a humorous account of "Marie's Return Home From a Finishing School," and then urged smiles through the words of Edgar Guest. The strains of Eleanor Bull's violin ended the program. Each girl left the tea looking forward to a pleasant year in Y. W. work. GIRLS' BIBLE READING CONTEST The annual Bible Reading Contest for College Girls was held Sabbath evening, March 31, at the United Presbyterian Church. Each girl did her best to make it a successful and worth while evening. As there were no money prizes for all sixteen contestants, each girl was pre- sented with a lovely testament. The prizes were distributed to the following contestants: First—Eleanor Bull; second— Georgia Skinnell; third—Rebecca Biggs; fourth—Betty Fisher; and fifth—Mary Linton. We surely wish to thank Miss Margaret Rife for her generosity in awarding the prizes each year to the winning contestants. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES 1934 As one of the activities of the Fortieth Anniversary Week the Baccalaureate Service with its impressiveness and sincerity was not the least important by any means. The address was to have been given by Dr. David McKinney, the grand old President of Cedarville Col- lege. But due to his sudden death just a few weeks be- fore, his son, the Rev. D. Earle McKinney, attempted to fill his father's place and delivered a very impressive sermon. Music for the service was furnished by Anna Jane Wham and the Girls' Glee Club. Frank Owens, Custodian Page fifty-nine