1935 Cedrus Yearbook

"SHIRT SLEEVES" On Thursday evening, April I I, the Junior Class presented the three act comedy, "Shirt Sleeves," at the Opera House. The local high school orchestra under the direction of Professor Reed presented a pro- gram of popular music. They also furnished the music between acts with Frances Patton, a member of the orchestra, doing several dance numbers. As thecurtain parted we found the setting of the play in the Rand home. The members of the family were Franklin Rand (Joe West); Julia, his wife (Olive Brill); Diana, their daughter (Wilma Chenoweth); Donald, their son (Charles Chamberlain); and their mischievous twins, Es- ther (Mary Linton), and "Ted" (Donald Burkert). Other members of the cast included Kitty (Harriet Ritenour), the Rand maid, who was in love with the milkman, Elmer (Verner Gar- lough); Richard Crandall (Eugene Corry), the crooked business man who finally was exposed by Margie Scanlon (Mildred Labig), the heroine, who later married Donald Rand. Clarissa Scott (Anna Jane Wham) and Midge Waring (Lois Bradley) were two friends of Diana. Norman Aldrich (Russell Murray) turned out to be more than a "fair weather friend" of Diana's. Alpha (Julia McCallister) and "Omega"(Mary C. Probasco) came to the Rand Auction sale and were dismissed with one of "Ted's" wisecracks. The sale was cried by the auctioneer (Paul Reed). Russell Murray and Paul Reed, the baggage men, stopped moving trunks long enough to flirt with Kitty. The Rands were a typical pre-depression r.ch family, and were very solicitous of their chil- dren. When their money was lost in a bank f ailur e, they all learned the true value of life and in the end Mr. Rand secured a new position; t'ien happy days were "just around the corner." SUMMER SCHOOL The 1934 summer session of Cedarville College began on June 11 and continued until August 18. There was a slight increase over former years because of the two terms. Although the weather was torrid and not conducive to study, everyone felt by the end of the term that they had accomplished something worth while. A variety of subjects was offered, the most popular course being the practice teaching. Thirty-five boys and girls were enrolled in the elementary school conducted by the practice teachers. At the close of each session a brief commencement exercise was held at which time the certificates and diplomas were handed out by the director, Prof. Hostetler. The faculty for the summer session was composed of Dr. McChesney, Prof. Hostetler, Supt. Warner of Bath Township High School; Miss Carrie Rife, Principal of Cedarville High School; Mrs. Robert Jacobs, Mrs. Walter Corry, and Prof. 0. W. Kuehrmann. Y. W.COMMITTAL SERVICE Once more the Y. W. C. A. participated in the beautiful Committal service given in memory of Frances McChesney, the author. In a candle-lighted church, amid flowers and ferns, the girls consecrated their lives to Christian Service, accepting the blue triangle with its three-fold life. Some were taking the Y. W. vow for the first time, others were only renewing that vow. Carma Hostetler, as Y. W. president, led the girls in the beautiful candlelight recessional, all singing "Follow the Gleam." Y. W.CHRISTMAS PARTY At the Y. W. Christmas party held December 18th, an undercurrent of excitement and expectation surged, for the girls were soon to learn the identity of that "Pal" who had been so mysteriously slipping or leaving lovely gifts and doing kind deeds. The world outside spoke of Christmas, for a soft blanket of snow had fallen. Eleanor Bull, the hostess, had beautifully carried out the spirit of Christmas in decorating. Tall tapers sent forth their white light, and in one room a large tree twinkled with many colored lights. The evening was filled with fun and merriment. After gifts were unwrapped and the identity of the mysterious "Pal" disclosed, a lovely lurcheon was served. The Y. W. thanks Eleanor and Mrs. Bull for another enjoyable party. Page sixty-six