1935 Cedrus Yearbook

C. L. McGuinn COAL HIGH GRADE—RIGHT PRICE Phone 3 CEDARVILLE, OHIO THE HAGAR STRAWBOARD & PAPER COMPANY CEDARVILLE, OHIO Fine Straw Board for Corrugating June 2. Baccalaureate Service in U. P. Church. Dr. "Mac" tells us of the in- creased load we must carry. June 3. Musical recital. College Music Dept. gets rhythmical. June 5. Cedar Day. Fairies dance while "Lull Robe is crowned. Linton talks on. June 5. Athletic Day with a baseball game in afternoon. Garlough hurles a few. June 6. Alumni Dinner and Business Meeting. Many old friendships revived. June 7. Commencement. Many students weep. Rev. Donald Tippett, D. D., of the Methodist Episcopal Church, speaker. End of a happy school year. Pa ge seventy-six