1936 Cedrus Yearbook
Dear Alumni: Memories of the years, forty-one years, course vividly to me. Mingled in these are gladness and sadness, sunshine and sorrow; but withal joy is transcendant. Some of your number, very dear all of them, have gone on to the felicities of their heavenly home. We miss them, 0 so much, but we rejoice in their victory and reward. We remain, president and alumni, to carry on for their and our college. With the years Cedarville College has grown in possessions of buildings, campus, endow- ment, and annuities. Our student body has in- creased, and our curricula of study have adjusted to the enlarging needs of the students and the re- quirements of a changing world. Cedarville College has widened its influence throughout the United States and foreign countries. Its alumni number over six hundred. They are in all vocations, and in all parts of the world. As changing times have brought their changes these things abide: the faith of our founders in God, the Church, and the might of right; our hope for greater and better things for Cedarville Col- lege; and our genuine love for you, our alumni, the sons and daughters of Cedarville College. In closing, the challenge comes to you and to me to cooperate to continue and enlarge the power of Cedarville College for the service of fellowmen and the gloory of God. Yours sincerely, President of Cedarville College. College Office, Cedarville, Ohio April 16, 1936 Page Tweive
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