1936 Cedrus Yearbook

GRADUATES OF The Senior class in the past four years has by the effort of its m e m be rs made itself an essential part of the College. Al- though this is their last year, it is their hope that leave to the under- graduates a high standard for them to better. Page Eighteen President Vice-President Russell Murray Graniteville, Vermont Joseph S. West Cedarville, Ohio Secretary Treasurer Anna Jane Wham Cartter, Illinois Donald Burkert Columbus, Ohio Julia has been a faithful member of the Y. W.C. A. and the Literary Society. She graduated from the two-year normal in '34. She was a member of the casts presenting the Junior and Senior class plays. Paul has been a member of the Y. M. C. A. and Literary Society during his four years of college work. He also was a member of the casts presenting the Junior and Senior class plays. One of the best known seniors is Paul. He was a member of the baseball squad his Junior and Seniors years. In his Senior year he was tamed by Mary and became domesticated. In the music department, Harriet has filled a prominent place. She became a member of the Crown Club Society of 35 for scholastic achievement. She was a member of the Dramatic Club, Literary Society, and Y. W.C. A., serving as a cabinet member. She served on the "Whispering Cedars" and Cedrus staffs and participated in the Cedrus, Junior and Senior class plays.