1936 Cedrus Yearbook

Every Wednesday, the Y. M. C. A. meets at the chapel hour. Many varied programs were presented this year by our program chairman, Eugene Corry. We were entertained by speakers, musical, chem- istry, and physics programs. All of these were in- structive as well as enjoyable. The Y. M. entertained the College with the Hal- lowe'en party this year. The College Minstrel given on the twenty-sixth of March was a great success. The Minstrel being built around the naval theme, the boys sailed away on a trip on the good ship U. S. S. Cedrus. Ad- Y. M. C. A. First Row: Richards, Tobias, Corry. Burkert, Angell, Murray. Second Row: Trube e, Kuerhman, Steele. miral Donald Burkert, disproving some of the songs, sailed with his crew and governed the actions of the end men. The crew returned to the tune of "Shipmates Forever." The voyage was a success, the minstrel was a success, and the Y. treasury was a success. Compulsory attendance at Y. has been removed. This new plan has proved satisfactory and also has given a better attitude towards the meetings. We feel that the Y. as in the past has proved itself a worthwhile organization and we are expect- ing a like organization next year. First Row: Steele, Ktierh- mann, Reed, Sisson, Mc- Chesney,/ llurkert, Michael, Prescott, Garlough, Shaw, Iloke. Second Row: Burk, Lott, Thomas, Hartman. Sinks, McDonald, Smith,Johnson, Thompson, Shaw, Angell. Third Row:. Richards. An- derson, Heifner, Linton, Sanderson, Corry, Beals, Flory, Ault, Murray, West. Fourth Row: McLaughlin, Gibson, Murray. Ross, (,rube, Trubee, Waddle, Tobias, Buehler, Cunimings, Swaim, Jurkat. Page Thirty-six