1936 Cedrus Yearbook

LADIES' ADVISORY BOARD The Ladies' Advisory Board is composed of the faculty wives, wives of the Trustees, and ladies from the churches of Cedarville. The purpose of the organization is to assist the college in any way they can. They serve all the college banquets with the earnings from which they have furnished a well equipped kitchen and dining room. The past year they helped purchase the gowns for the college chorus and at the present time are helping to pur- chase a curtain for the stage in the gymnasium. LADIES' ADVISORY BOARD First Row: Clemans, Iliff, St ormon t, McChesney, Oglesbee, Elias, Hartman. Second Row: Richards, Dob- bins, McMillan, Townsley, Johnston, Ifostetler, Ktiehr- mann,Steele, Auld, Wright Page Forty-six