1936 Cedrus Yearbook

KING OF THE BARS BOYS' PHYSICAL EDUCATION Part of the gym class at the north side of the gym- nasium. The Physical Education class has had a very in- teresting and helpful program during the past year under the leadership of John Richards. In the fall much of the time was spent in playing softball, speedball, and soccer. The teams for all these games were taken from the class itself. At the beginning of each period throughout the year calisthenics were given to strengthen and to exer- cise the muscles. In spite of the many stiff necks and sore legs, all agreed that these exercises helped much in building up our bodies. During the winter months, the class spent its time in volleyball, basketball, tumbling, and acrobatics on the parallel bars. The class was divided into five teams and a tour- nament was held among these five in basketball and in volleyball. Some days were given over to field meets. In these meets, the boys from each team went through a certain set of tumbling and acrobatics on the parallel bars, and each one was awarded one, two, or three points according to the perfection of his performance. Page Fifty-one