1937 Cedrus Yearbook

Juitios This is Station JUNIOR broadcasting from Cedarville College, the history and traditions of this class. Your announcer is the spirit of the Junior class bringing to you the close of the third year of this broadcast. We are proud of the first year of our program although there was static at times—freshmen initia- tion and parties broken up by upper classmen. In spite of these air disturbances, however, we had many good times that still linger in our minds, namely the atrocities of freshmen week and the house-wrecking at Anderson's. Our director the first year was James Anderson who brought us on and off the air at just the right moments. In June of 1935, we signed off, a wiser and older group having contributed much to student activities at Cedarville College. We did not stay signed off for long, for in Sep- tember we came back, ready to go on the air once more. John Gillespie was chosen as our director that year and our broadcast proceeded without a flaw. We made ourselves felt in athletics, dra- matics, music, debate, scholarship, and other col- lege activities. Many of our members left us at the close of that year, and we have truly missed them. KENNETH SANDERSON MARY JOHNSON President Vice-President JAMES ANDERSON EUGENE REED Secretary-Treasurer Reporter CEDAR VILLE 42