1937 Cedrus Yearbook

Our third year has been the climax of our broadcast. Kenneth Sanderson has ably directed our activities during the past year. The high spots of this memorable part of our program were the Jun- ior play "Yours Truly Willie", and the Junior - Senior Banquet. The play was a "howling" success, most of it being done by little Willie, Roy Linton. The "moon- light" banquet was held at the Dayton Y. M. C. A. on May 13 with a theatre party afterward. Now Station JUNIORS is signing off; happy and pleased with the past years; anticipating what the future in Cedarville Col- lege holds for us; wishing you all as successful a career as ours has been. i IRENE ALLISON HERBERT CUMMINGS ROY LINTON BETTY SHAW 43 MARTHA BRYANT JOHN GILLESPIE MILDRED McKIBBEN HARRY SINKS RACHEL CRESWELL JUSTIN HARTMAN HAROLD SHAW HOWARD SWAIM COLLEGE