1937 Cedrus Yearbook

2tucient eouncil The Student Council was first organized in the year of 1933 to take care of any student govern- ment problems. The Council is composed of the President of the student body, who is Chairman of the Coun- cil, Secretary-Treasurer of the student body, the Presidents of each of the classes, President of the College, the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women. The Council is composed this year of Paul Angell, President; Esther Waddle, Secretary-Treas- urer; John Tobias, Senior President; Kenneth San- derson, Junior President; Raymond Sisson, Sopho- more President; Eldon Gillespie, Freshmen Presi- dent; Dr. McChesney; Dean C. W. Steele; and Dean Santmyer. PAUL ANGELL RAYMOND SISSON ELDEN GILLESPIE PROF. C. W. STEELE KENNETH SANDERSON JOHN TOBIAS ESTHER WADDLE MISS HELEN SANTMYER 4 CEDAR VILLE 60