1937 Cedrus Yearbook

MRS. J. W. AULT CECIL THOMAS JUSTIN HARTMAN KENNETH SANDERSON RAYMOND SISSON JOHN RICHARDS JOHN TOBIAS HAROLD SHAW KATHRYN FINKE DEBATE This year Cedarville College inaugurated a new plan in its intercollegiate debating. For the first time there were four teams, two negative and two affirmative, each team composed of two members. The first debate of the year was a non-decision debate at Bowling Green in which Cedarville showed great promise for the coming season. The "B" division made its first public appearance in a debate at the Heidelberg Reformed Church at Dayton. The "A" team went to Rio Grande and succeeded in dividing the honors — the affirma- tive team winning and the negative team losing. The only debate held at Cedarville was with Wil- berforce. The four Cedarville teams, accompanied by Miss Basore and Mrs. Ault, went to North Man- chester, Indiana, to enter the Intercollegiate De- bate Convention. Although the teams won only eight debates and lost twelve, the season was con- sidered to be very successful after considering the size of the colleges and the universities of the opponents. The question this year was: That the extension of consumers' cooperatives would contribute to the public welfare. The loss of John Tobias and Kathryn Finke will be keenly felt but the six re- maining members are looking forward to a suc- cessful season next year. 61 intetcalleyiate abate COLLEGE