1937 Cedrus Yearbook

An association which has played a most im- portant part in the matriculation of freshmen and in offering instructive entertainment all col- legiates alike is the Philosophic Literary So- ciety. Its programs have been quite educa- tional. The most interesting among these pro- grams were: a travel talk by Mrs. Frank Cres- well, a war speech by W. W.Galloway, and a navy address by an alumnus of Cedarville College, Chaplain Markle of the U. S. Navy. The climax of the society's season however was reached when it went on its annual "hay- ride." Two truck loads of hay and students en- joyed themselves thoroughly riding through neighboring communities. To you who follow let us propose a toast: "Bigger and better Literary" and of course, "Bigger and better hayrides." Atetaty Saciety CEDARVILLE 6,5