1937 Cedrus Yearbook
7:2atutei &a HALLOWEEN PARTY November 4th, 1936, brought weird sights to the Alford Memorial Gymnas- ium. There were ladies with their canes attempting to pass as gentlemen and men in their spirts flippantly parading their most appealing features. After entering through a blacktunnel the masqueraders were greeted with a knock on the head from some mysterious inanimate object. Everyone paraded around the gym trying to keep all the others guessing who they were. Mrs. Ault had charge of the difficult task of picking the winners, and awarded first prize to James Anderson as Satan with Dorothy Anderson and Mary Johnson as his helpers. Joe Waddle and Gale Ross were the funniest; Gene Reed, the best original; and Miss Basore and Euridice Collinswere the nitwits. A pleasant evening of entertainment was furnished by the Y. W. C. A. who completed the party in true Halloween style with refreshments of pumpkin pie and cider. >> >> >> METHODIST PARTY On Thursday evening, September 22, 1936, the Epworth League of the Methodist Church entertained the student body and faculty with an interna- tional party. The gymnasium was decorated for the occasion with flags of the various countries. Miss "Tommy" Thompson, recreation leader from Ohio State University, directed a number of folk games from different countries. Refreshments of salad, nut bread, and iced tea were served by the Epworth League. >> >> >> U. P. PARTY The second day of school, Thursday, September 10th, the United Presbyterian Church invited the College students to attend her homesickness chaser. The snake dance couple parade wandered up and down, in and out of Cedarville. About the only thing missed was Berk's checking up on the new girls. The groups then returned to the church where appropriate games were played. The call for lunch caused a hurried scramble to find partners. Sugar was looking for salt, shoe was hunting for stocking, and Roy was hunting for Gretchen. After the lost were found, the students gathered around a blazing campfire where games were played and songs sung. The evening seemed to be a very successful one considering all the friend- ship formed, so we considered the school year officially opened, and then trouped happily to bed. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PARTY On September 1 the Presbyterian Young People had charge of a social mixer with Mrs. Guthrie acting as hostess. The mixer was in the form of an auto party. The first part of the eveningwas spent in the gym where games and contests were held among different groups, each group representing some automobile. From the gym we went to Rev. Guthrie's home where he acted as judge in trying several cases which were brought up in the auto court. Severe penal- ties were inflicted on those students found guilty of parking, speeding, and similar charges. After that we all went to the filling station in the kitchen where the order to "fill 'er up" was promptly carried out. CEDARVILLE 82
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