1937 Cedrus Yearbook
&lendat February 1 Debaters win decision from Wilberforce. 2 Our boys bow to Wilmington 24-13. 4 Snake dance Cold as Bixen. 5 Da yof Prayer. 6 Homecoming crowd fills the gym—C. C. loses to Rio Grande 29-27—A tight game. 7 "B" Debaters speak in Dayton—Mrs. Ault is asked what she is doing with her father— (Mr. Ault). 14 There's that little guy with the bow and arrows. 15 Cedarville drops a 36-27 contest to Wilmington. 16 Chili supper—Y. W. at Geneva's—Boys seemed to think we were going to have the mock wedding. 17 Mr. Burns gets his ole blunderbuss after the boys again. 18 Rio Grande debaters find out how good our "A" bunch really are. 20 Yippee and a couple of Rah! Rah's! C. C. ties for conference Championship by drubbing Bluffton 49-27. 26 Eight sleepy debaters and two professors leave Cedarville at 6:30 A. M. for North Man- chester, Indiana. 27 Debaters come home with eight victories and ten pairs of ear muffs. March 2 Earthquake—Well shiver my timbers. 2, 4, 5 Dr. Rollin Walker, guest speaker in chapel. 9 Junior's wrestled the Sophomores out of the class tourney championship 22-20-12:45—Earth- quake—practically scared me pink. 12 Sonja Henie, the skater, causes all the boys to forget their girls for a few days. 17 Y. M. elects Sanderson president—C. C. has Athletic banquet—Coach presents letters and numbers—Mr. Bearmore shows pictures of Olympics. 19 Y. W. Party at Bea. McClellan's—Mock wedding pulled off without a boy. 21 Mixed Chorus presents "The Holy City." 24 Rev. Hill showed Easter pictures in joint "Y." 27 Junior Class Play presented at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Steele. 30 Linton stars in Junior Class Play "Yours Truly Willie." 31 Spring Vacation. April 1 April fool is her at last—You're the biggest fool I've passed. 7 Roller skatingtakes over the students' spare (?) moments. Earl Allison has to buy a new pair of trousers. 8 Frat pledges arrayed in pajama coats. 11 Women's Bible Reading Contest—Bertha Oleyar and Margaret Nelson tie for first. 13 Our big leaguers travel to Springfield for spring training. 15 Y. W. Carnival—Benny in -Ladies' Only" Booth, 20 Elmer, the Magician at Opera House. Dorothy chosen Queen—Johnny, Orator. 21 Jr. Class Party. Talk about eats! Oh, boy. 22 Cedarville College Entertainers go to Carlisle. 26 Regret to hear of the death of Rev. McMillan, president of the Board of Trustees. 27 College Quartet and Miss Basore entertain us in chapel. 29 What horse kicked Betty Fisher and Bertha Oleyar in the hip? 29 Sing Fest—"Trial by Jury." May 13 Jr.-Sr. Banquet. ' 19 Dr. and Mrs. McChesney's reception for the students and faculty. 20 Mixed Chorus sings at Monroe High School graduation. 21 College Picnic. 30 Baccalaureate. 31 Music recital—Faculty reception. June 1 Senior Class Play, "The Cat and the Canary." 2 Cedar Day. 4 Graduation, Leo Anderson, D.V.M. VETERINARIAN Phone 2-81 Cedarville, Ohio LANG CHEVROLET Xenia, Ohio 89 _A
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