1938 Cedrus Yearbook
JUNIOR CLASS John Fox — Preacher . . . humorist . . . favorite quotation: "Somebody is taking the candy." . Cecil Thomas— Ball-player .. .debater .. .likes birds (Pidgeons) . . .a real student. Jane Frame— Cheerleader . .. Alpha Theta Tau president .. . wearing a brand new "rock." Bennett McNeal— Candy man .. . editor "Whis- pering Cedars" ... Delta Kappa Sigma. In September, 1935, sixty-five Freshmen (thelargest class in the history of the college) entered the side door of Cedarville College — by request of the upper-classmen — to start on the long trail toward a diploma. After almost a week of initiation, we organized and set- tled down to business. We tried to have some feeds but the upper classmen were so interested in them that they nearly always arrived before the freshmen did. We were represented on the basketball squad by five men — Roy Linton and Blutcher Gibson playing on the first team. Our class team won the intra-mural tournament. This helped to make up for our getting dipped in Willow Bend during Freshman Week. Two of our girls, Jacobs and Seamon, were cheerleaders; we also had representa- tives in debate and basketball. Our Sophomore year was a busy one for about fifty of our members, for they were going through the ordeal of practice teach- ing. In the spare time we had we still entered all kinds of extra- curricular activities. At the end of basketball season we took time out to win the class tournament again, with cheerleaders Sisson and Tomlinson to help us yell. Justin Hartman and Roy Linton left us to become Juniors, and at commencement time all the girls except two and several boys left us. Almost all of these people were successful in obtaining teaching positions and we heir that all of them are doing very good work. As a result of that loss we started our Junior year with only sixteen members. John Fox was elected president of the class; Cecil Thomas, vice-president; Jane Frame, secretary; Bennett McNeal, treasurer. Bennett has had a hard year this year in the candy busi- ness, and we appreciate his efforts. Again we are represented in athletics and other extra-curricular activities, and for the third year we have provided a cheerleader (Jane Frame) bringing our total to five. Since we did not give a class play this year, the big event of our year was the Junior-Senior Banquet held at the Dayton Y. M.C. A. And now we are looking forward to the last lap of our journey, and we are hoping that next year will bring us safely to our destina- tion. Cl Page Twenty-Six
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