1938 Cedrus Yearbook
Sitting: R. Sisson, R. Roberts, 0. Labig, R. Linton, H. Swaim, J. W. Ault, C. W. Steele, J. Gillespie, H. Shaw, J. Peterson, C. Walker, J. Anderson, K. McNeal. Standing: K. Sanderson, D. Foulks, J. Fox, J. Hartman, B. McNeal, N. Sharpe, M. Pyles, R. Johnson, E. Shaw, T. James, R. Reed, H. Thomas, E. Kavanaugh, A. Geake, C. Wiseman, N. Hartman, J. Northrup, R. Macknight, V. Shaw, M. Thomp- son, J. Jackson. Left to Right: Justin Hartman, Cecil Thomas, Raymond Sisson, John Fox, Kenneth San- derson, Orval Labig. THE 1938 CEDRUS Y.M.C.A. The Young Men's Christian Association gives every young man at Cedarville College an opportunity for fellowship and service. Each Wednesday morning a program of worship, instruction, and entertainment is presented. Some of the principal speakers and their topics of the year have been: Rev. Bob Copeland, Pastor of U. B. Church at Brookville— "Founding a Christian Home." Mr. Walter Edwards, General Secretary of Y. M. C. A. of Sprintfield—"Religion's Value in Living." Dr. Alexander, Assistant to President of Antioch College— "Horace Mann." J. Reed Miller, Speaker at Day of Prayer for Colleges last year—"The Certainty of God." Prof. A. J. Hostetler, Professor at Cedarville College—"The Educated Man." Rev. C. C. Hankins, Chaplain at 0. S. & S. 0. Home— "The Philosophy of Life." Rev. R. J. Turreil, Pastor of Bethlehem M. E. Church of Cincinnati—"Spiritual Preparation for War." Dr. Samuel Grothwell—"Tinkers and Thinkers." Dr. T. Z. Koo of Shanghai China—"The Chinese Situation in the Orient." Mr. Cornwell, Chief of Police of Xenia—"Police." Mr. Weaver, President of Columbus Gas & Fuel Co.—"The Pursuit of Happiness." Page Forty
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