1938 Cedrus Yearbook

Mary Jean Townsley, Rachel Harriman Elizabeth Anderson, Junia Creswell. Ray Sisson, Don Foulks, Fred Lott, John Peterson. — - Page Forty-Six COLLEGE QUARTETTES A new organization on the campus this year, the Melody Maids, was composed of Mary Jean Townsley, Rachel Harriman. Elisabeth Anderson, and Junia Creswell, all Freshman girls. They sang at various func- tions on and off the campus, and wore their costume dresses in orange and blue for their performances. Being so well received their first year, they hope to continue their melody together as long as they are in College. The boys' quartette, the College Har- monizers, comprised of Ray Sisson, Don Foulks, Fred Lott, and John Peterson, which achieved unusual success last year, again held on to their fine reputation this year. They gave innumerable concerts, both sa- cred and secular, under the direction of Mildred Bickett Creswell, Director of Music.