1938 Cedrus Yearbook

"THE LATE CHRISTOPHER BEAN" The Dramatic Club presented Sidney Howard's comedy, ''The Late Christopher Bean" on December 9, in the Cedarville Opera House. Miss Genevieve Jesson portrayed in a delightful manner the role of Abby—the Haggett's servant. The story concerns a group of pictures which the late Christopher Bean had painted and which no one had taken seriously with the exception of Abby. In the final act it is revealed that Abby is Mrs. Christopher Bean and the rightful owner of the now-valuable pictures. The other members of the cast did a fine piece of acting with their roles as follows: Dr. Haggett, Justin Hartman; Mrs. Haggett, Jane Frame; Susan Haggett, Mary Johnston; Ada Haggett, Mary Jean Townsley; Warren Creamer, John Peterson; Gallant, Fred Lott; Rosen, John Gillespie; Davenport, James Anderson. The play was under the able direction of Miss Glenna Basore. Y. M.C. A. MINSTREL The Y. M. C. A. presented its bi-annual minstrel, Thursday evening, April 21, in the Cedarville Opera House. The stage setting was the inside of a barn—baled straw, pitchforks, and a pony added realistic touches. Mr. John Fox, as interlocutor, and the end men kept the audience in an uproar throughout the evening. Special skits were presented by Harry Sinks, John Taylor, Harold Shaw, Cecil Thomas and Justin Hartman. The chorus accompanied by Wilmott Fischer sang both traditional and popular numbers. A hill-billy band and several solos completed the program. CEDAR DAY The annual Cedar Day festival was held on the morning of June 2 on the College Campus. Miss Dorothy Anderson, the May Queen, and her attendants came in to "Pomp and Circumstance" and began the festivities. The queen was crowned by last year's May Queen, Anna Jane Wham. The pageant itself was a dramatization of the old Greek myth of Demeter and Proserpina which related how our seasons originated. The story told of how Proserpina was seized by Pluto and taken to the underworld. This part was done magnificently by Gale Ross who rode in a realistic Greek chariot drawn by two black horses gaily adorned in flowers and wreaths. Mr. John Richards, the Cedar Day orator, spoke on the physical qualities of the Greeks and our need for a program of physical education in America today. The pageant was planned and presented by the Dramatic Club under the leadership of Miss Santmyer. CONVOCATION SERVICE The forty-third annual Convocation service was held in the First Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening, September 19. Dr. Ross Miller, pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church of Springfield, delivered a heart-searching message. The music for the occasion was under the supervision of Miss Bickett. BOOSTER BANQUET The second annual booster banquet for Cedarville College was held October 15, in the Alfred Memorial Gymnasium. The featured speaker was the Honorable Myers Y. Cooper, former governor of Ohio. He spoke on some of the problems which face us as a nation today. Dewitt S. Morgan, superintendent of Indianapolis schools, also made a short address. A large number of alumni, students, and friends of Cedarville College attended. THE 1938 CEDRUS Page Sixty-Seven .