1939 Cedrus Yearbook
CLASS OFFICERS Donna Zellar, Russel Roberts, Grace Bickett, Royden Johnson, Irene Goodin. Early in September in the fall of 1936, 42 "freshies" began their even fful college careers. That year our activities were guided by our capable presi- dent, Eldon Gillespie. Other officers of our class were Russel Roberis, vice- president; Geneva Clemans, secretary; John Peterson, treasurer; and Gene- vieve Jesson, reporter. After several of what we called "trying-days" we were glad to see Freshman Week come to an end. The girls will long re- member how they had to scrub mud off the front steps of themain building with tooth brushes, as will the boys remember the "ducking" they got out at Willow Bend when the upper classmen pulled them in. Most of these freshmen returned in the fall of 1937 to begin another thrilling year at college. This year we were under the leadership of President John Peterson, assisted by Genevieve Jesson, Catherine Harbaugh, and Monroe Pyles. This year we were well represented in the various fields of athletics. Several of our members also took part in music, dramatics, and other activities of the college. These days found many of our class worry- ing over "that thing" of practice teaching. At c-mmencement time we found many of our class going out to teach others. Reports come back to us that all of these are doing very good work in this field. As we came back for our third year at Cedarville, we found there was a much smaller group than we had had in previous years. We began this year with only twelve members. Russel Roberts was elected president of the class with John Peterson as vice-president; Grace Bickett, secretary; Irene Goodwin, treasurer; and Donna Zeller, reporter. This year, as Juniors, we have charge of the candy business. As our class was so small and the Senior class was small also, these classes decided to hold their class parties and socials together instead of each class holding them separately. Again we are represented in athletics and other extra-curricular activi- ties. From this small group we furnished two winners in the Women's Bible Reading contest and one in the men's contest. Since we did not have a class play this year, the big occasion of the year was the Junior-Senior Banquet held at Dayton. And now we are anxiously looking forward to our senior year and look- ing back over the happy years we have already spent at Cedarville. PAULINE FERGUSON, Junior. Page Twenty-Two
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