1939 Cedrus Yearbook

Jr FIRST ROW—Russel Roberts, Grace Bickett, Pauline Ferguson, Royden Johnson. SECOND ROW—Elwood Shaw, Virginia Townsley, Irene Goodin, LaVeine Whipp. THIRD ROW—Donald Foulks, Eldon Gillespie. What the Junior Class Has Contributed to College Life In the realm of sports we have been active: several of our men went out for basketball and baseball. Russel (Lanky) Roberts, basketball center, has certainly done his share in making C. C.'s name in sports. John Peterson headed the Delta Kappa Sigma this year. Both Rob- erts and Gillespie of our number are members. We have made our presence felt in the Dramatics Club, musical organi- zations, and Y. W.C. A. Two of our members have been interested in he work of the Gospel Team. Of our boys who participated in the Annual Men's Bible Reading Con- test, Royden Johnson was awarded fifth place. He is the class representa- tive in the Student Council. Two of our girls are active members of sororities,—Pauline Ferguson in Chi Sigma Phi, and Grace Bickett in Alpha Theta Tau. There are those who wonder what would happen to the chemistry lab, without Elwood Shaw. Next year we hope to help make Cedarville College better through the efforts of our few but influential members. IRENE GOODIN, Junior. Page Twenty-Three