1939 Cedrus Yearbook
NOI Sept. 27—College breaks tradition and makes history. Stages first dance in gym. Y. M. and Y. W. mixer. Eve- ning highlight—Dibble and Kennon on the floor. Oct. 4—Alpha Theta Tau pledge meeting. Oct. 6—Rain—hayride postponed. Oct. 7—Hot dogs, chilly wind, nice moon at Bryan Park—Sophomores. Oct. I3—Kaiser's College of Musical knowledge party by Methodist Young People. Calendar Oct. 14—Weary,worn, and woebegone, 8 frat pledges wound up hell week with a dose of hamburgers and hot cocoa. Oct. I9—Water bad so school was dismissed. And wouldn't you know— it rained! Oct. 2I—Hollowe'en dance—Masquer- ade, pumpkin pie, and cider. Oct. 25—Freshman party at Lotts'. Junior-Senior treasure hunt that ended with a dance in Frame's garage. Oct. 26--Sisson beat Whipp for the tennis championship. Oct. 28—State teachers meeting and the students are free for the day. Nov. 8—Election day party at U. P. Church. The election was a landslide for Dibble and Chitty—Oh yes, and Mr. Bricker. Nov. 10—Chi Sigma Phi dinner party and Alpha Theta Tau party. Nov. I I--Sophomore skating party in Dayton. The whole college was in attendance. Nov. I3—Men's Bible-Reading Contest. Ned Brown carried offthe honors. Nov. I8—Y. M. dance at the gym. Everybody drunk (on punch). Nov. 22—Y.W.Committal service. Nov. 24—Turkey and all the fixings. Its Thanksgiving Day, and also vacation till Monday! Dec. 2—Started out the basketball season in good shape by beating Springfield Y. M. C. A. Dec. 6—Beat Holbrook—here. Are we good? Whoopee! Dec. 8—Clover-Leaf Club party at the gym. Good time had by all. Dec. 12—Secret-Pal party. Surprises, presents, and fun. Dec. 13—Alpha Theta Tau formal initia- tion. Christmas plays at Dramatics. Dec. 14—Wilmington—there. We got beat. Page Fl!ty-Setq'g
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