1939 Cedrus Yearbook

Y. M. AND Y. W. MIXER The Y. M. and Y. W. mixer was the first all-college party of the year. A pro- gram of both round and square dancing was under the able direction of Cecil Thomas and Jeanne Townsley. A college orchestra, directed by Ned Brown, furnished dance music. The gym was beautifully decorated with orange and blue streamers. Light refreshments of ice tea and cookies were served. The fine spirit maintained through- out the evening made this one of the finest parties the college has ever had. FRESHMAN INITIATION The Sophomores took great pleasure in making things as uncomfortable as pos- sible for the Freshmen of '38-39. During the week of initiation, unwilling and embar- rassed “freshies" took their medicine in the form of rides, whacks, foolish make-up, a ducking in willow bend, and conformity to the many requests imposed upon them by upper-classmen. ALPHA THETA TAU PARTY The Alpha Theta Tau Sorority enjoyed a party at the home of the president, Jane Frame, Tuesday night, October 4. Entertainment and refreshments were arranged by Merieum Foulk and Florence Ferguson. Those who were pledged to membership included D. Ramsey, M. Tobin, H. Chitty, B. Gray, M. Olinger, and B. Carter. HAY RIDE Thursday night, October 6, a hayride sponsored by the Youth Forum of the Methodist Church was held at the Lott farm. A hilarious crowd of forty college students completely filled the two wagons drawn by a tractor. After a long ride flavored with song and laughter, the party was concluded with a wiener roast by the old pond. SOPHOMORE PARTY Friday night, October 7, the Sophomores had a wiener roast at Bryan Farm. About thirty persons were present to enjoy theevening. After gorging on hot dogs, pickles, and marshmallows, all joined in some group games. Moonlight and nippy weather added zest to the fun. M. E. PARTY Cedarville College students enjoyed themselves at a party Thursday evening, October 13, sponsored by the Epworth League of the Methodist Church. The entertainment was in the form of musical questions and answers patterned after Kay Kaiser's radio program. Musical games and dances were played, and the refresh- ments were in the form of box lunches. "FRAT" PLEDGES ACCEPTED The pledges of the Delta Kappa Sigma Fraternity finished their formal initiation Friday night, October 14. After a few hours of climbing, walking, and crawling they returned to the gym with the long lost paddle only to have it properly applied to their—anatomy. Several old members were present and after the pledges were all formally accepted, a feed of hamburgers, cocoa and cookies was enjoyed by all. Mr. Gibson, faculty adviser for the Fraternity, was invited and formally accepted as an honorary member. Page Sixlv