1939 Cedrus Yearbook
QUEEN AND ORATOR Miss Jane Frame, Cedarville, was chosen Cedar Day Queen at an election held by the student body. John N. Fox, Dayton, was elected Cedar Day Orator at the same election. ALPHA THETA TAU PARTY The Alpha Theta Tau Sorority gave the B.B. boys a fine supper and evening of fun Thursday evening, March 9, at the home of Miss Jane Frame. After supper the guests enjoyed various games from "pick up sticks" to "animal." All in all the boys had a fine time and said quite sincerely "thanks a lot for a good evening of fun, girls." SOPHOMORES ARE CHAMPS The Sophomore class took the championship of the intramural B. B. tourney by defeating the Freshmen in the finals to the tune of 58-39. SOPHOMORE SWEATER SWING A majority of the student body and several members of the faculty turned out and engaged in an evening of dancing Friday night, March 17. Ned Brown furnished the music and all enjoyed "swinging" to his rhythmic music. Punch was served at the intermission. The gym was beautifully decorated in green and white. PRESENTED PLAY The cast of "Dust of the Road" presented the play at Columbus in the State Religious Drama Festival Saturday, March 25. MissBasore directed the play. The cast included N. Hartman, 0. Labig, H. McClellan, and C. Wiseman. The critics gave special notice to the performance of N. Hartman, praising him highly inhis portrayal of the Tramp. Y. W.TEA Friday afternoon, March 17, the Y. W.gave a St. Patrick's Day Tea in the gym. The gym was attractively decorated in green and white. An attractive luncheon was served to approximately 75 guests. A musical program was enjoyed by the guests throughout the afternoon. Jean Elliott was general chairman, assisted by Elisabeth Anderson, social chair- man, and Marie Collins, decoration chairman. WOMEN'S BIBLE READING Sunday evening, March 26, the annual Women's Bible Reading Contest was held in the Presbyterian Church. The winners of the contest were: first, Irene Goodin; second, Junia Creswell; third, Doris Ramsey; fourth, Isabel McClellan; and fifth, Grace Bickett. Miss Margaret Rife, of Xenia, donated the prize money for this contest. The College Choir, under the direction of Mrs. David Markle, furnished special music for this event. The Men's Quartet also favored the congregation with some well rendered special numbers. E. CLAYTON WISEMAN Features Editor. Page Sixty-Five
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