1940 Cedrus Yearbook
IJLTY MFMFIII?S... PROFESSOR A. J. HOSTETLER is the Registrar and Director of Education. He received his B.S. degree from Ohio Northern University and an A.M. at Wittenberg College. Mr. Hostetler is well-known in the educational field, having served in various phases of the teaching profession. His department has done exceptionally well in secur- ing positions for graduates. He has built up one of the most efficient placement bureaus in the state of Ohio. COACH MILLER produced a winning combina- tion with the Yellow Jackets in basketball. The team has had an enviable record for these two years to say nothing of a Northwest Ohio Confer- ence championship in 1939. He received his A.B. at Rio Grande College and A.M. at Ohio Uni- versity. He is to be commended upon his good nature and the hard work he has done these two years. MR. J. L. DORST is the business manager of the college, and a most efficient one he is, too. He has had a great deal of experience in Y.M.C.A. work. This naturally gives him a good under- standing of youth. He is pleasant and is always willing to help and does his best for the students and the college. DR. F. A. JURKAT has been a member of the faculty for a good many years. He has an un- canny memory and can talk intelligently on almost any subject. He received his LL.D. at Franklin College and has done graduate work both at Wittenberg College and Ohio State University. He will be remembered by all students for his subtle humor, informal classes, and willingness to help all. MISS MARGARET N1ESTRATH is the new pro- fessor in French and Public Speaking. Miss Nie- strath received a B.S. in Education at Miami Uni- versity and her M.A. at Ohio State University. Before coming to Cedarville she taught in Ohio City High School, Williamsburg High School, and Grandview Heights High School. She is very active in college activities and is faculty advisor of the Chi Sigma Phi Sorority. MISS GLENNA BASORE takes care of the sec- retarial duties of the college. She received a degree in Dramatics from Ohio Northern Univer- sity, the A.B. degree from Cedarville College. Miss Basore acts as a Bureau of Information for the students and faculty. Miss Basore has an excep- tionally sunny disposition and is well-liked by all. Fifteen
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