1940 Cedrus Yearbook

Lanky is one of our most popular graduates. He has been active in many activities, a star basketball player, and this year is president of the student body, Y.M.C.A., Senior Class and the Varsity "C". He is also editor of the Cedrus, and Class Orator. Grace has been a most faithful member of the Class of '40. She has been a member of the Y.W.C.A. four years and has held various offices in several activities. This year Grace is President of the Alpha Theta Tau Sorority. LaVerne has been on the baseball team these four years, a member of the Y.M.C.A. and has held several class offices. Whipp is well-liked and is always ready with a witty remark. We hope he is most successful in getting a job for next year. Jean Maddock is a newcomer to our ranks this year. She is quiet and doesn't say much but is always willing to help whenever called upon. Jean will get her degree at the finish of the summer term. Don is our most accomplished speaker. Therefore, he has been active in the Y.M.C.A. and the Gospel Team for all four years. In athletics, he played four years of baseball and two years of basketball. He was a member of the Men's Quartette three years and the Mixed Chorus two years. He too will be anxious to find a position. RUSSELL ROBERTS GRACE BICKETT LA VERNE WHIPP JEAN MADDOCK DONALD FOULKS