1940 Cedrus Yearbook

Neil Hartman gives his lesson last minute glance. Mary Jean Townsley working hard on her experiment. Rolland Flory satisfied with an exam grade. Clayton Wiseman explaining a point in anatomy. Junia Creswell is seen entering the chapel. Burns Tanksley gets a comfortable position for study. Elisabeth (Ruddy) Anderson wait- ing for — I wonder? Robert Reed enjoys the big chair in the boy's room. Everett Keener entering the side door of "Old Main." Doris Ramsey reaches for a book in the educational library. Justin Northup goes at his Zo- ology left handed. Ted James is putting in some deep thought. Mary Eliz. Edgington through for the day unlocks her car. Eugene Stewart is studying his history thoroughly. Eugene Kavanagh takes good care of the club's dishes. William Lott is picking Out a good book to read.