1940 Cedrus Yearbook

Linton, Miller, Northup, Gillespie, Long, Ross, Anderson, Townsley, Prof. H. E. Thompson, standing. INTRAMURAL BOARD An Intramural Board of Control was organized to govern inter- class activities. Eight of the ten members were elected by the student body, a man and a woman being selected from each of the four undergraduate classes. A varied activity program was inaugurated with the following seasonal sports being staged: tennis, soccer, baseball, six-man touch football, volleyball, badminton, basketball, bowling, track, and soft- ball. It is the hope of the Department that soccer and speedball, as well as swimming be added to next year's program. The following are the class results in the Intramural program. The class of 1941 led with thirty-eight and a half points. Strength in men's basketball, volleyball, and tennis, and in women's tennis and badminton gave the Juniors their lead. Close behind was the class of 1943, with thirty and a half points, all because of the athletic prowess of the "fair sex" of the yearling contingent. Next in order were the classes of 1942 and 1940 respectively. The former garner- ing twenty-seven points while the latter won twenty-four. hIrly-f,ur