1940 Cedrus Yearbook

MUSIC . . • The college choir was composed of twenty mem- bers this year who faithfully rehearsed every Mon- day and Wednesday evenings in the basement of the library. The choir sang at all the religious services which were sponsored by the college. These services were the Men's Bible Reading contest in November, the Day of Prayer in February, and the Women's Bible Reading contest in March, and the Baccalaurete Service. The choir participated in a musical program at Wilberforce on International Day, February 12, and a meeting of the Jamestown P.-T.A. The three main programs which were sponsored by the choir this year were a Christmas cantata, an Eastern oratorio, both of which were held in the Presbyterian Church, and a "Ye Old Folks Con- certe" which was held in the gymnasium. Mrs. Mary C. Markle is the director and accom- panist for the choir. Chitty, Nelson, Stebbins, Johnson, Lott, Guthrie, Miller, Hartman, Owens, Long, B. O'Bryant. Mrs. Markle, Neal, Finke, Goodin, McClellan, Creswell, Williams, Anderson, Ritenour, H. O'Bryant, Tanksley, Stewart, Gilliam. Neal, Tanksley, Stewart, Finke, O'Bryant, McClellan. James, Foulks, Johnson, Northup. Forly-ninc