1940 Cedrus Yearbook

Tues. 21 A Fall Sports Dance staged to-night. The Varsity "C'' is just all right! Thurs. 23 Thanksgiving funny, or did you hear? F. D. R. mixed the dates this year. Tues. 28..The Seniors pose all around Had pictures taken to-day in town. DECEMBER Fri. I Send off skyrockets! Do we rate? Springfield's whipped, let's celebrate. Sun. 3 The Topaz of Ethiopa" was I'd say, A mighty well given Christmas play. Tues. 5 Such acting talent is hard to beat. Faculty members give us a treat. Fri. 8 "Jackets" make Urbana fall. Freshmen sponsor dance for all. Mon. I I At Mrs. Steele's all the gals, Meet elusive "Secret Pals.' Tues. 18 Alpha Theta Tau entertains at Mills, Glee Club finds candle on window-sills. Thurs. 14 Are we good? Well of course. We beat the socks off Wilberforce. Fri. 15 So long, folks, don't you see? Were off to trim a Christmas tree. JANUARY • Tues. 2 After all this fussin', its queer to find, Were glad to be back at this old grind. Wed. 3 A Junior "Coaster," full of thrills, With Thomas and Gilliam taking spills. Fri. 5 A Slumber party (out of bed) The boys are beaten by Morehead. Sat. 6 Holbrook leaves us exonerating, (Mr. Joe College is hibernating). Thurs. I I Wilmington College takes us for a ride, Zero weather, yet "fireworks" inside. Tues. 16 Wed 17 (Exams, ain't no poetry in that!) Thurs. 18 Mon. 22 Were at it again, velly much fun, Presbyterian Party for everyone. Fri. 26 A car full of kids almost freeze, While Miami brings us to our knees. FEBRUARY Sat. 3 Home-coming Guests by the score, See Holbrook defeated on our floor. Fri. 9 Wishart of Wooster comes to speak, A Day of Prayer end the week. Mon. 12 Internation Conference from coast to coast, Wilberforce College is a gracious host. Tues. 13 Whoever said B.B. was tame? Overtime played at Wilberforce game. Thurs. 15 The story of ''The Valiant" saint, So again repeated with no complaint. Fri. 16 A pep-rally, headed by the son, Who recalls the deeds of Ironton. Fifty-five