1941 Cedrus Yearbook

Weeks before Registration Day, the splendid spirit of cooperation which has characterized this year with the Y.W.C.A. manifested itself. Those who were asked to undertake certain tasks for -the year responded grac- iously. Each girl has filled her niche well and all have grown in Christian fellowship. Beginning with a festive Big and Little Sister Tea at Harriman Hall, the girls carried through a varied social calendar. Early in November high conspiracy reigned in the Girls' Room in Old Main, but all was ex- posed to everyone's delight on Friday, December 13, at the Secret Pal Party at the home of Mrs. B. N. Adams. March 5, the Y.W.C.A. was hostess at a tea honoring Mr. Sherwood Eddy, who spoke to a large group from the surrounding community and neighboring colleges on matters of international concern. The Spring Tea was given April 15. The date chosen for the annual Mother and Daughter Banquet was May 9. The fall get-acquainted meeting of the organization was a quiz program during which everyone learned about the year's plans and the ups and downs of campus life. Working together the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. have brought to the college chapel many outstanding speakers. During the second semester especially, many different girls have taken their places on the rostrum to lead the opening worship services. Each of these Wednesday programs has had its place in rounding out the knowledge and appreciations of the group. How- ever, the service which has become the spiritual heri- tage of every girl at Cedarville is the Committal Service held in memory of Frances McChesney. It was on Sun- day evening, November 24, that the Y.W.C.A. made or renewed its vows—"to live pure, right wrong, and follow the King." Row 1—B.O'Bryant, E. Brill, B. Evilsizor, B. Nelson, E. Brown, B.L. Garrison,I. Mc- Clellan, 0. Stewart, M. O'Bryant, H. 0'- Bryant, K. Randall. Row 2—L. Gilliam; L. Diltz, A. Davis, M. Vest, 1-1. Bush, D. Clark,F. Johnson, M. E. Batdorf, H. Ross, E. Force, M. Niest- rath, G. Basore, M. J. Townsley,E. And- erson. Row 3— E.Young,V. West, J. Maddock, B. Williams, J. Finke,B. Irvine, J. Jolley, M. Finney, R. Andrews, D. Drennan, C. Fer- guson, F. Andrews, D. Bogenrife, T. Smithers, P. Fergu- son, D. Ramsey, V. Henderson, M. Mul- ler, N. Hoke. OFFICERS Doris Ramsey President Elisabeth Anderson Vice-President Dorothy Bogenrife Secretary-Treasurer Mary Jean Townsley Program Chairman IMI 1111 HUI 111111 MIR YWCA SEEKS TO IMPROVE SPIRIT, MIND, AND BODY Page Thirty-nine