1941 Cedrus Yearbook

Pluseced Iltau Under the direction of Mary Jean Townsley and Elisabeth Anderson,the Girls' physical education class has par- ticipated in a program of many and varied activities this year. Physical education is required for freshmen and sophomore girls and meets regularly twice a week. Volley- ball, basketball, folk dancing, badmin- ton and tennis are a few of the sports engaged in during class. Activities of outside interest were the two basket ball games played with Wilmington, play-day at Cincinnati in March, a hike and wiener roast in the cliffs, and a softball league. We lost our basket ball game at Wilmington due to conditions beyond anyone's control. In the return game, the score was tied and everyone was better satisfied. At play-day, the girls really demonstrated their basketball ability by beating the Wittenberg team 38-4. Our luck did not hold out so well in the volley ball game as we were taken by Wilmington 14-12. The badminton team also fell before the coeds of Ohio University two sets to one. The making of new acquaintances and renewing of old ones helped add to the success of the day. Elisabeth Anderson was the direc- tor of the girls gym class the second semester. She replaced Mary Jean Townsley who taught in the Vandalia Schools. Miss Townsley had been the director for the last two and one-half years. Page Fifty-four