1942 Cedrus Yearbook

PRESIDENT W. S. KILPATRICK access to nearby cities combine to make Cedarville an ideal location for a small Christian college. Cedarville College is committed to a three-fold purpose. The college course is well-balanced and accurate in content, presenting the student with a full pic- ture of life in the world in which he lives. Expenses are kept at the lowest pos- sible level and students are helped to find ways of meeting even these low costs when they cannot do so themselves. The purpose of Cedarville College is to secure a high modern form of literary and scientific education under care- ful supervision and Christian influences, without restriction of personal opinion, and with open door and equal privileges to both sexes and to all classes and conditions of men. By its charter, issued under the laws of the State of Ohio, January 21, 1887, Cedarville College is recognized as a degree-granting institution. On April 16, 1915, the State Department of Education recognized Cedarville College as an institution for the professional training of teachers . Students whose work can merit the recommendation of the faculty can expect to enter other colleges, undergraduate or post-graduate, without loss of standing. Cedarville College