1948 Cedrus Yearbook

a Nee Vetta First row: Irvine, Rowe, Barger, Foster, McGuinn. Second row: Wright, Bradford, Merritt, Masler, Riley. Third row: Watkins, Townsley, R. Rader, Metter - house, Edington. The Chi Mu Delta Fraternity is in one of its most prosperous and active years at Cedarville College. Officers were elected atthe beginning ofthe school year and plans were madefor the pledging of new members shortly thereafter. After a pledge period six new brothers were officially sworn in at a fete held in their honor at the Old Mill Camp on November 3. A Halloween party was the first social event provided bythe fraternity for the en- tertainment of the entire student body. Dancing and cake walks were enjoyed and a new, popular recreation was introduced in the "Hit Little Ernie" game with Earnest Foster as the target. An effort was made to establish contact with fraternity members who have grad- uated and left Cedarville. To continue the relationship after school days, the fratern- ity initiated plansfor purchasing or erect- ing a house.The house will provide a room- ing place for members inschool and a meeting place for alumni who return to see the progress made by the fraternity and Cedarville College ZO